Webinars course : Aligners from A to Z
11 webinars on the treatment of various pathologies with aligners: distal, mesial, open and cross bite.
10 world experts in the field of invisible orthodontics will present their approaches:
⭐️ Chris Chang
⭐️ Diego Pedro
⭐️ Heloísa Filipe Alves
⭐️ Jay Bowman
⭐️ Pedro Costa-Monteiro
⭐️ Mihail Shishkin
⭐️ Waddah Sabouni
⭐️ Vincenzo D’Antò
⭐️ Tommaso Castroflorio
⭐️ Ivan Malagon

List video :
1_AlignersfromAtoZ_Jay Bowman_Creative Adjuncts for Clear Aligners to Improve Predictability
2_AlignersfromAtoZ_Pedro Costa-Monteiro_How to use Aligners from 6 years old to 18 years old?
3_AlignersfromAtoZ_Vincenzo D’Anto_Class II malocclusion camouflage in adult patients using clear aligners
4_AlignersfromAtoZ_Chris Chang_Keys to aligner treatment for challenging cases
5_AlignersfromAtoZ_Mikhail Shishkin_Avoiding the mistakes in planning and management of aligner patients. What to do if everything goes wrong? Use of auxiliary techniques
6_AlignersfromAtoZ_Ivan Malagon_Above the limits using clear aligners
7_AlignersfromAtoZ_Waddah Sabouni_Surgical and non Surgical Approach in treating deepbite cases by using clear aligner orthodontic treatment
8_AlignersfromAtoZ_Waddah Sabouni_How we succeed growing patients treatment using clear aligner
9_AlignersfromAtoZ_Heloisa Filipe Alves_Occlusion, сranio mandibular system and аligners
10_AlignersfromAtoZ_Diego Peydro Herrero_How to treat the most difficult clinical cases using aligners
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