Dynamics of High-Speed Railway Bridges

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Dynamics of High-Speed Railway Bridges


    The construction of high-speed railways comprises a set of demands, from safety aspects to

    new types of equipment and construction solutions, involving the most recent and sophisticated


    Among these, emphasis is given to the railway behaviour where the structural elements are of

    great relevance. The dynamics of the structure is in this case, more than in others, controlling the

    process, being a crucial factor in issues such as the structural and railway safety and the passengers


    The ability to address the multiple issues relevant to this process requires expertise and knowhow

    on the dynamic analysis techniques, which have been recently developed in this field, with

    repercussions in terms of the European regulations in this domain.

    The themes included in this book are mainly based on the papers presented at the advanced

    course and workshop “DYNAMICS OF HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY BRIDGES” organised by the

    Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) and the Escuela Tecnica Superior de

    Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos de Madrid (ETSICCyP). This book is included in a set of

    three books: one with a more general thematic “BRIDGES FOR HIGH-SPEED RAILWAYS” and

    other with a more focused thematic, such as the present book, “TRACK-BRIDGE INTERACTION


    The editors would like to thank all those who contributed to this book, in particular our distinguished

    guest chapters’ authors who heightened, with their knowledge and expertise, to the present

    interest and quality of the book, the support of the sponsors for the events which originated the

    materials for this book, and the institutional support of the Faculty of Engineering of the University

    of Porto and the RAVE – Rede Ferroviلria de Alta Velocidade, S.A.

    We hope this book will be helpful not only to those professionals involved in the design, construction

    or maintenance of high speed railway systems, but also to researchers and students working in

    this field.

